How To Write An Essay Paper

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Grade Level
High School
Length of Time
1 hour

Students will learn how to write an essay paper.

This lesson plan can be used in Language or in other subjects where students write essays.


Students will learn:
To gather information and take notes
To write an outline
To write a rough draft

Materials Needed

History textbook
Notebook paper or note cards to write down information
Pens and whiteouts to correct errors


First, students will choose a topic from their history textbook that interests them.

Then, they will look up information in the book or get a library book on the topic.

After that, they will read the information and take notes while they read.

When they have finished gathering their information, they will write an outline.

Outline Format

Topic Sentence - A topic sentence is the main sentence in an essay. It should contain the major elements that students want to discuss in their article.

Then, they will take each major element and briefly jot down a few notes that will help them write their papers.

Finally, they need to jot down a few notes in their conclusion.

They should have a topic sentence, body of paper that mentions each major element, and a conclusion, which summarizes their viewpoint.

Structure of Paper

Introduction - Topic Sentence - Major elements of their paper.

First paragraph - Students will discuss the first element in their topic sentence.

Second paragraph - Students will discuss the second element in their topic sentence.

They will continue until they have completed their discussion of the elements in their topic sentence.

The final paragraph is a conclusion. They will conclude their discussion of the topic by briefly summarizing their viewpoint.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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