Building Your Vocabulary

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
1 hour

Students will read a book and write down any words that they do not understand. They will also look up the words in a dictionary and write down the definition and a sentence for each word.

This lesson plan is for grades four through five.


Students will learn:
To learn new words
To look up words in a dictionary
To write out the definitions
To write sentences for each word

Materials Needed

Book to read
Notecards or notebook paper to write down words
Spiral notebook
Pencils or Pens and whiteouts


First, you will have the students choose a book to read.

Then, you will have them take notecards or notebook paper and write down any words they do not know.

After that, you will have them look up the words in a dictionary and write out the definition of each word.

Finally, you will have the students write a sentence for each word.


You can grade the students on their definitions and their sentences. You can also grade them on spelling, punctuation, and writing correct sentences.

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