Weather Journal

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
1 hour

Students will write a journal about the different kinds of weather. For example, they can include hurricanes, tornadoes, sleet, snow, and other types of weather. This is for fifth grade students.


Students will learn:
About the different types of weather
To write definitions of the different types of weather
To write a short summary of the different types of weather
To write a weather journal

Materials Needed

Science Book
Note cards to take notes while they are reading
Notebook paper
Pencils and erasers for taking notes
Pens and whiteouts to write their journal
White construction paper
Markers to draw cover
Colored yarn strips


First, the students will read about the different kinds of weather in their science book. They will need to take notes as they read.

Then, they will make an outline of the information and the order they want to have for their journal.

They need to include the different kinds of weather and write definitions for each kind. For example, they would write hurricane. They would write a definition for hurricane.

Then, they would write a short summary of a hurricane.

They need to use a different page for each type of weather.

When they have completed their journal, they can draw a cover for it.

Then, they can place another piece of construction paper on the back. They can punch holes to match the holes in the notebook paper.

After that, they can put a strip of colored yarn through the holes and tie a bow in the center. That will hold the pages together.


You can grade them on the accuracy of their information. You can also grade them on sentence structure, paragraph structure, English grammar, punctuation, and organization.

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