Alphabetizing Words Beginning with L and M
This lesson consists of two parts. Part One consists of words that begin with L.
Part two consists of words that begin with M.
Students will put the words in alphabetical order.
This lesson is for fourth through fifth grade students.
First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy.
Then, you will explain to the students how to put words in alphabetical order.
The worksheet is in two parts. Part One consists of alphabetizing L words. Part Two consists of alphabetizing M words.
Examples: Look, Listen, Lake, Love = Since these words begin with L, students will look at the following letters.
The answer to the examples is Lake, Listen, Look, and Love.
After that, you will pass out the worksheets so the students can work on them independently.
When they have completed the worksheet, you will collect them.
Worksheet - Alphabetizing Words
Directions: Put the following words in alphabetical order.
Part One - Alphabetizing Words That Begin With L
1. Listening
2. Learning
3. Language
4. Literary
5. Literature
6. Lessons
7. Legal
8. Losing
9. Lonesome
10. Laundry
Part Two - Alphabetizing Words That Begin With M
1. Mistakes
2. Matches
3. Master
4. Mother
5. Maker
6. Missing
7. Morning
8. Miscellaneous
9. Mortgage
10. Manuscripts
You can grade the students on the correct order and the correct spelling of each word.
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