Finding Identical Numbers

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes

This lesson is on finding identical numbers from a list of numbers.


Students will learn:
To locate identical numbers

Materials Needed

The worksheet I have included in this lesson
Pencils and erasers


First, you will copy the worksheet I have included in this lesson so that each student will have a copy.

Then, you will write the following example on the board so the students will know what to do.

Examples: Which number below is the same as 256,643?

256,455 235,543 256,564 256,643

After that, you will pass out the worksheet so they can work on them independently. Worksheet - Finding Identical Numbers

Directions - Circle the number that is the same as the one given in the problem.

1. 3678

A. 3688 B. 3689 C. 3679 D. 3678

2. 35,987

A. 35,988 B. 36,988 C. 35,987 D. 35,099

3. 358,998

A. 358,988 B. 358,989 C. 358,998 D. 358,997

4. 369,989

A. 369,999 B. 369,989 C. 369,998 D. 359,989

5. 356,987

A. 356,988 B. 356,987 C. 358,987 D. 356,986

6. 48,989

A. 48,988 B. 45,999 C. 45, 989 D. 48,989

7. 28,338

A. 23,888 B. 28,338 C. 28,448 D. 27,338

8. 55,556

A. 55,557 B. 55,555 C. 55,558 D. 54,556

9. 33,323

A. 33,232 B. 33,222 C. 33,232 D. 33,223

10. 444,554

A. 444,555 B. 444,545 C. 444,554 D. 444,555

Part Two - Matching

Directions - Match the following numbers - Draw a line from Column A to the identical number in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. 356,674 356,654

2. 356,654 687,857

3. 356,653 356,674

4. 365,634 687,875

5. 364,745 645,647

6. 645,645 356,653

7. 645,647 645,654

8. 645,654 364,745

9. 687,875 365,634

10. 687,857 645,645


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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