Parts of Speech Museum

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
An hour

This activity will allow the students to apply their knowledge of the basic parts of speech while learning them. The students will create display boards that show visual and written examples of the different parts of speech. The museum consists of project boards with pictures and descriptions for each of the five parts of speech.


The students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of the parts of speech by appling them in their projects.

Materials Needed

markers, white computer paper, project boards (one for each student), old magazines, glue sticks, and scissors.


1. Review the basic parts of speech with the students using a question and answer technique, some type of quiz, or list.

Noun- person, place, or thing.

Adjective- describing word for a noun.

Verb- action word

Adverb- descrbing word for a verb

Pronoun- a word that takes the place of a noun (he, she, it).

2. Display your own project as an example for the students and explain to them what they are going to do is create a parts of speech museum.

3. Have the students go through the magazine and cut out pictures that represent each part of speech. For example a dog for noun, a red ball for adjective, a pciture of a someone driving for verb, a picture of a runner running a race for adverb, and a picture of a woman for pronoun.

4. Next, have the students write on the white paper what each picuture represents.

5. After that step, the students should decorate their board, glueing on the pictures and writing the captions and headlines. The headline should be the part of speech. The captions should be simple. For instance, under the red ball picture, the caption can read- red describes the noun ball, slowly- describes the verb run, or driving- driving is an action word.

6. Once the project is completed, have the students present their projects to a partner.

7. Display the boards around the room to create the musuem and allow the students to walk around and look at each one.

8. Have a final discussion or debriefing to review the parts of speech and their definitions, allowing students to give examples.


Use district and school standards to grade, but make sure that each student demonstrates an understanding of the definitions of the five basic parts of speech by choosing appropriate pictures and writing appropriate captions.

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