Being Thankful

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
30 to 45 minutes

This lesson plan can be used the week of Thanksgiving.

Students will draw a large circle and then smaller circles and lines pointing to the large circle. Inside the large circle, they will write the word Thankful. Inside the smaller circles, they will write different things they are thankful for.


Drawing circles and lines
Learning to be thankful for what they have

Materials Needed


Pencils or crayons


First, you will pass out one sheet of paper to each student. Then, you will draw an example on the board like they are to draw on their sheets. After that, they need to write down the things they are thankful for such as parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, homes, food, clothes, toys, and other items.


You can grade the students on how well they drew their circles and lines and how they followed directions.

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