Writing A Book Review

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Reading & Writing
Length of Time
Homework Assignment

Students will read a book a book of their choice and take notes while they read. Then, they will write a book review about the book they read.

This is for fourth through fifth grade students.


Learn to read and take notes
Write a book review
State the positive and negative aspects of the book

Materials Needed

Book of their choice
Notebook paper to take notes
Notebook paper to write their review
Pencils and Erasers


Before they write their book review, you will need to explain how to write one. After you explain about book reviews, then they can choose a book they would like to read, and they will take notes while they read. Then, they will write a book review of their book. After that, they will submit their review for you to grade.


You can grade the students on how they wrote their book review.

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