The Importance of Reading for Children Preschool to Grade Three

The first teachers of children are their parents. From the time they are infants, children need to be taught of love of words and reading. In order to help your little one develop into an avid reader, use the following tips.
Signs of Reading Problems
Reading is a challenge to over forty percent of children. Be alert to signs that you child is struggling with reading. Two of the biggest problems that will occur and should be watched for are:
If your child has a problem hearing individual sounds, he will not be able to understand the connection between sounds and words. If you suspect your child’s struggle with reading is the result of a hearing impairment, contact your doctor and ask that your child have a hearing test. This will enable health care and educational professionals to better assist your child in his reading progress.
Children who are late talkers, those who say very little and those who have difficulty pronouncing words or expressing their feelings verbally may find reading to be an insurmountable task. If you suspect that language or speech problems are obstructing your child’s ability to read, ask your doctor to recommend a language and speech professional. This enables your child to be assessed so he can get the help he needs at home and at school.
Warning Signs
Early warning signs that will help you recognize that your child is struggling with reading include:
Help your child avoid years of frustration by recognizing the fact that he is having difficulty learning to read. If he’s having difficulty, contact your doctor and his school so he can get the help he needs early in life.
Sending your child to preschool will help him learn a love of books and reading. When searching for the right preschool for your child, be sure the following activities are part of each day:
While your child is in preschool, help him build strengths that will make learning to read much easier. These strengths will stay with him through his school years and into adulthood.
Schools and Teachers
It’s imperative that parents learn to recognize a good school or teacher. Both schools and teachers have a huge impact on your child’s learning ability. The following tips will help you to recognize good schools and good teachers.
Talk to your child’s teacher about his reading progress. If your child is struggling with reading challenges, talk to his teacher or principal to ensure he gets the extra help that he needs. Be sure to continue to read aloud to your child at home and encourage him to read to you. If necessary, hire a tutor to assist your child and give him the proper tools that he needs to be a fluent reader.
Be sure to do all that is within your power to teach your child a love of reading. This will enable him to move through the upper grades, high school, university and adulthood without the frustrations that come when reading skills are limited.
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