Understanding and Identifying Verbs
This lesson is on verbs. Students will learn about action verbs, linking verbs, and passive verbs. They will also identify verbs in sentences.
You will need study sheets and worksheets on verbs.
Here is a worksheet for students to use.
Action Verbs - The verbs show action.
The subject is doing the action.
Example: Megan threw the ball to Cassie, her dog.
Linking Verbs (Passive Verbs) - These verbs do not show action. The subject is not doing the action.
Example: Christy was tired.
Directions: Underline the subject. Circle the verb.
1. Christy worked on her writing today.
2. Cassie chased the ball.
3. Megan wrote in her journal.
4. Sadey and Cassie played in the yard.
5. Penny was confused about her homework assignment.
6. Billy liked his new puppy.
7. Sheri cleaned up her room.
8. On the way to school, Christy and Megan picked up leaves for a school project.
Directions: Underline the action verbs. Circle the linking (passive) verbs.
1. The trees were bright red.
2. Megan became angry.
3. Christy and Megan waved goodbye to their father.
4. Cassie and Sadey were playing outside.
You can also use other worksheets.
First, you will need to explain what subjects are so students will understand about verbs. You need to write examples of sentences on the board about action verbs and linking verbs. Have students identify the subject in the sentence, and then have them identify the verbs and say if they are linking or action verbs.
Then, you can give students their worksheets to do independently.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
Grade students on the total number correct out of the total number of questions. Then, you need to see what areas they are struggling with and work on those areas.
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