Learning Musical Terms

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes

In this lesson, you will teach students musical terms. I have included a study sheet on the different terms. You will need to draw symbols on the board for these terms.


Students will learn
To know the musical terms in this lesson
To identify them in music

Materials Needed

You will need this study sheet to teach musical terms and the worksheet that follows the study sheet.

Staff = Five lines and four spaces.

Measure = Space between two bar lines.

Bar Line = Separates staff into measures.

Double Bar Line = Found at the end of a piece.

Treble Clef = Treble Clef or G Clef.

Bass Clef = Bass Clef or F Clef.

Time Signature = Top Number-Beats in a measure.

Bottom Number-What note gets 1 count.

Common Time = Same as four counts to a measure.

Cut Time = Same as two counts to a measure.

You can count four counts to a measure.

Quarter Note = Receives one count.

Half Note = Receives two counts.

Dotted Half Note = Receives three counts.

Whole Note = Receives four counts.

Eighth Note = Receives one-half count.

Sharp = Raises a note one-half step.

Flat = Lowers a note one-half step.

Natural = Cancels a sharp or flat.

Piano = Soft

Forte = Loud

Mezzo Piano = Medium Soft

Mezzo Forte = Medium Loud

Pianissimo = Very Soft

Fortissimo = Very Loud

Repeat = Repeat section again. Worksheet for Musical Terms

1. What is the other name for treble clef?

2. What does staff mean?

3. What does measure mean?

4. What is a bar line?

5. What does repeat mean?

6. What is the other name for bass clef?

7. What does mp mean?

8. What does pp mean?

9. What does p mean?

10. What does mf mean?

11. What does f mean?

12. What does ff mean?

13. How many counts does a quarter note receive?

14. How many counts does an eighth note receive?

15. How many counts does a whole note receive?

16. How many counts does a dotted half note receive?

17. How many counts does a half note receive?

18. What is Common Time?

19. What is a sharp?

20. What is a natural?

21. What is cut time?

22. What is a flat?

23. What does the top number of a time signature mean?

24. What does the bottom number of a time signature mean?

25. Where is the double bar line found?


First, you will give the students the study sheet.

Then, you will draw symbols on the board so that the students will know exactly what the terms are and the definitions.

Finally, you can give the a worksheet on identifying the terms and definitions. I have one worksheet included in the lesson.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

You can grade them on their worksheets.

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