Learning the Piano Keyboard

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
30 to 45 minutes

In this lesson you will teach the students the piano keyboard. I have a study sheet and worksheet included in this lesson.


Students will learn:
To know the keys under the groups of two black keys
To know the keys under the groups of three black keys

Materials Needed

You will need the following study sheet and worksheet for this lesson.

Study Sheet - The Keyboard

The black keys are grouped in two's and three's.

Under the group of two black keys you have the keys: C D E

Under the group of three black keys, you have the keys: F G A B

C is to the left of the two black keys.

D is in the middle of the two black keys.

E is to the right of the two black keys.

F is to the left of the three black keys.

G is to the left of the middle key of the three black keys.

A is to the right of the middle key of the three black keys.

B is to the right of the three black keys. Worksheet - The Keyboard

1. Where is C on the keyboard?

2. Where is F on the keyboard?

3. Where is D on the keyboard?

4. Where is G on the keyboard?

5. Where is E on the keyboard?

6. What keys are under the group of two black keys?

7. Where is A on the keyboard?

8. Where is B on the keyboard?

9. What keys are under the groups of three black keys?

10. How are the black keys grouped?


First, you will give the students the study sheet.

Then, you can have each student play a key on the keyboard to see if they can tell you where it is. For example, ask a student to play D on the keyboard. Then, continue with the next student using a different letter.

After that, you can give the students the worksheet.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

You can grade the students on the worksheet and their participation in class.

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