Unscramble the Letters - Music Terms
In this lesson, you will give the students the worksheet on music terms. They are to unscramble the letters and then write the meaning of each term.
Students will learn:
*To unscramble letters of music terms
*To write what each term means
You will need the worksheet I have provided in this lesson.
Worksheet - Music Terms
Directions: Unscramble the letters to form music terms.
1. bblerTe lfec
2. ssBa flce
3. trauQre tnoe
4. leWho sert
5. rab neil
6. fstfa
7. eeasurm
8. pereat
9. barkyedo
10. iapno
11. meti igsnareut
12. itwhe eyks
13. kclba ykse
14. neli tneo
15. cepas otne
16. ptse
17. pski
18. tofre
19. mmonco imet
20. utc imet
Answer Sheet to Music Terms
1. Treble Clef
2. Bass Clef
3. Quarter Note
4. Whole Rest
5. Bar Line
6. Staff
7. Measure
8. Repeat
9. Keyboard
10. Piano
11. Time Signature
12. White Keys
13. Black Keys
14. Line Note
15. Space Note
16. Step
17. Skip
18. Forte
19. Common Time
20. Cut Time
First, you will give the students the worksheet and have them unscramble the letters to make music terms.
Then, you will give them the answers.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
You can grade them on their worksheet.
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