Finding the Scrambled Words

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes

This lesson contains sentences with words that have scrambled letters. Students will locate the words and unscrambled the letters to form words. This will help students edit their own work, too.


Students will learn:

*To search sentences and find words that have scrambled letters.

*To spell the words correctly.

*To search for their own errors in their writing.

Materials Needed

You will need the following worksheet and pencils for the students.

Finding the Scrambled Words.

Directions: In the following sentences, find the word that has the scrambled letters. Then, unscramble the letters to form words. Write the correct word above the scrambled word.

1. The oyts are in my box.

2. I like to adre mysteries.

3. Tom and Mary netw to the movies.

4. Sadey and Cassie like to hcsea each other outside.

5. I like to lapy with my ogds, Sadey and Cassie.

6. Christy enjoys writing mystery ookbs.

7. Megan enjoys draenig mystery ookbs.

8. Can we lpya a game?

9. I like to go to chsool.

10. I like to tchaw television.

11. I keli to watch comedies.

12. I nawt to be a writer.

13. What is for nuchl?

14. I like to tae tacos.

15. It is time to go outside for cessre.

16. I like to lpya on the niwgs.

17. Christy and Megan can’t wait until hCrsitsma.

18. It is time to go to edb.

19. Penny and Tippy keli to play outside.

20. We ovmed into a gib house.


First, you will talk to the students about unscrambling letters to form words.

For example: tac = cat arnb = barn ogd = dog

chsolo = school

You can write different examples on the board for them to try and solve. You can also write a sentence on the board so they can search for the word that needs to be unscrambled.

For example: The oyb and the irlg like to play outside.

Answer: the boy and the girl like to play outside.

After that, you can give them the worksheet to have them work independently.

Finally, you can go over the answers.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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