Teaching English

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes to 1 hour

Are you looking for an interesting way to teach English? If you are, then this lesson is for you.

First you draw a circle in the middle. Then, you draw lines out in different directions from the center circle to smaller circles. There are different ways you can use this exercise.

I have seen teachers in school use this diagram to teach reading. I came up with other ways to use this diagram such as: compound words, prefixes and suffixes, nouns and pronouns, and other examples.


Students will learn
Compound words
Prefixes and Suffixes
Nouns and Pronouns
Enjoy English Grammar using this method of teaching

Materials Needed

Whiteboard, markers, and erasers.

Also, worksheets for students to do independently.


First you draw a circle in the middle. Then, you draw lines out in different directions from the center circle to smaller circles. I have seen teachers use this diagram for reading. You can also use it other teaching lessons: compound words, prefixes, suffixes, nouns and pronouns, and other ways.

Compound Words: Here is what you would do: First, you write the main word such as the word some in the center circle. Then you would have the students choose a word that makes a compound word such as: Some and how = somehow. The object is to fill up all the circles.

You can use this diagram for any compound word.

You can also use this diagram for prefixes and suffixes.

For example, you can use the prefix, pre. Then, you can have the students choose a word that goes with that prefix.

You can do the same thing with suffixes. For example, the word “tion” can be placed in the middle. The root words are placed in the outer circle and the suffixes are placed in the center.

You can also use the diagram with nouns, pronouns, etc. For example, you can place the words Common Noun in the center. Then, you can have the students come up with different common nouns. Besides the common nouns, you can use personal pronouns, etc.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

You can grade on the total number correct out of the total number of questions on their worksheets.

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