Beginning Math - Addition
This lesson plan consists of beginning addition problems for kindergarten students.
First, you will show the students how to add by giving them examples.
Take out four balls. Put two balls in one group and two more balls in another group. Show the students that 2 balls + 2 balls = 4 balls. After that, you can give them another example or two.
Then you can copy the worksheet so that each student can have one. After they have completed their worksheets, you can collect them and grade them.
Math Worksheet
1. 1 ball + 2 balls = _______________
2. 2 balls + 2 balls = ______________
3. 3 balls + 2 balls = ______________
4. 1 ball + 1 ball = ________________
5. 1 ball + 0 balls = _______________
6. 4 balls + 1 ball = _______________
7. 4 balls + 2 balls = ______________
8. 4 balls + 3 balls = ______________
9. 2 balls + 3 balls = ______________
10. 3 balls + 3 balls = ______________
Variation: You can use the same problems by using different objects.
You can grade the students on the number correct out of total possible.
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