Learning About Asia
Students will learn about Asia. Then, they will write a summary of the important facts they learned about the continent.
First, you will teach the students about Asia. They should learn about the continent, the main places in Asia, the products, the climate, and other important facts so they can write an outline for their paper. This outline can be brief, but it needs the important information so they can write their paper.
After they have written their outline, they can write their paper on Asia. They should include important information about the main places in Asia, the products, the climate, and other important information. They should write their paper, so that if someone read it, they would have a better understanding of the continent.
Then, you can collect the papers and grade them.
You can grade the students on the facts about Asia that they included in their paper and on the structure and mechanics.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
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