Understanding Coins - Counting
In this lesson, students will learn about the different coins: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. They will have a worksheet on this concept so they can count the coins.
First, you will explain the concept to the students by illustrating different problems on the board. You need to explain the value of each coin.
You can illustrate the coins by using the following:
P = Pennies
N = Nickels
D = Dimes
Q = Quarters
You can write on the board:
P P N = 7 cents
1 + 1 + 5 = 7
D D N = 25 cents
10 + 10 + 5 = 25 cents
You can write any combination for the coins and have the students tell you the answers. Then, you can give them the worksheet to do independently.
Worksheet for Understanding Coins
Directions: Count the amount of the coins in each group. Then write the total amount in the blank.
1. P P N P = ______
2. N N P P = ______
3. P N P N = ________
4. P P N N P P = ______
5. N N N N = __________
6. D D D D = _______
7. D N N D = _______
8. D D N N = _______
9. N N N D = _______
10. D D D N = ______
11. Q Q Q Q = ______
12. Q Q D D = ______
13. D N Q D = ______
14. D D D Q = ______
15. N N N Q = ______
16. Q N D N = ______
17. Q N Q D = ______
18. D D D N = ______
19. Q D N P = ______
20. P N D Q = ______
You can grade the students on the total number correct out of the total number possible.
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