Writing a How-To Paper

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Grade Level
Middle School
Length of Time
45 minutes to 1 hour

For this lesson, students will write a how-to paper on a topic that I have listed in this lesson plan.


Students will learn:
The definition of a how-to paper
To write a how-to paper
To edit the paper
To revise the paper
To write the final draft

Materials Needed

The worksheet I have included in this lesson
Notebook paper
Pens or Pencils and Erasers


First, you will copy the worksheet I have provided in this lesson plan. Then, you will discuss the definition of a how-to paper.

In a how-to paper, you are telling readers how to do something such as cook a particular recipe. You can do this by giving students an example. After that, you pass out the worksheet I have provided.

Worksheet - Writing How-To Paper

Directions: Write a how-to paper on one of the topics below.

1. How to cook a meal.

2. How to swim.

3. How to play tennis.

4. How to fish.

5. How to draw an object.

6. How to edit a paper.

7. How to give a persuasive speech.

8. How to organize your study area.

9. How to shoot a basket.

10. How to study to pass a test.

11. How to write a book review.

12. How to write a movie review.

13. How to plan a birthday party.

14. How to plan a surprise party.

15. How to organize a file cabinet.



You can grade the students on how well they wrote their paper. The students should explain the topic so that you could explain how to do that particular topic to someone else.

100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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