Liquid Measurements

Printer Friendly Version
Grade Level
Middle School
Length of Time
45 minutes

This lesson is on liquid measurements: Cups, Pints, Quarts, and Gallons.


Students will learn:
About cups, pints, quarts, and gallons
To solve problems in comparison

Materials Needed

You will need the worksheet that I have provided in this lesson.
Pencils and Erasers


First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy.

Then, before you pass out the worksheets, you will write on the board the following:

2 cups = 1 pint

2 pints = 1 quart

4 quarts = 1 gallon

You can explain the equality by giving the following examples:

4 pints = _____ quarts

4 cups = _____ pints

1 cup = _____ pints

3 quarts = _____ pints

8 quarts = _____ gallons

After you have gone over some examples, then you can pass out the worksheets for the students to do independently.

Worksheet = Liquid Measurements

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following questions.

1. 6 pints = _____ quarts

2. 8 cups = _____ quarts

3. 8 quarts = _____ gallons

4. 16 pints = _____ gallons

5. 6 cups = _____ pints

6. 1 cup = _____ pints

7. 1 pint = _____ quarts

8. 2 quarts = _____ gallons

9. 1 gallon = _____ cups

10. 1 quart = _____ cups

11. 2 cups = _____ pints

12. 2 pints = _____ quarts

13. 4 quarts = _____ gallons

14. 4 pints = _____ quarts

15. 8 quarts = _____ gallons

16. 8 pints = _____ quarts

17. 12 quarts = _____ gallons

18. 12 pints = ______quarts

19. 8 cups = _____ pints

20. 3 cups = _____ pints

Answer Sheet to Liquid Measurements

1. 3 quarts

2. 2 quarts

3. 2 gallons

4. 2 gallons

5. 3 pints

6. �1/2 pint

7. �1/2 quart

8. �1/2 gallon

9. 8 cups

10. 4 cups

11. 1 pint

12. 1 quart

13. 1 gallon

14. 2 quarts

15. 2 gallons

16. 4 quarts

17. 3 gallons

18. 6 quarts

19. 4 pints

20. 1 �1/2 pints After that, you can collect the papers and grade them on the total number correct over the total possible. Each question is worth five points.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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