Choosing the Right Words

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
30 minutes

In this lesson, students will choose the right word in sentences.

This lesson would be for third through fifth graders.


Students will learn:
Choose the correct words in sentences.

Materials Needed

Worksheet I have included in this lesson


First, you will copy the worksheet.

Then, you will explain to the students what they are to do.

After that, you will pass out the worksheet for them to do independently.Worksheet - Choosing the Right Word

Directions: Underline the correct word in the following sentences.

1. Tom and Cindy (went, goes) to the movie.

2. Christy and Megan (likes, like) to read (their, there) mystery books.

3. Sadey (likes, like) to chase Cassie in the yard.

4. The basketball team won (their, there, they’re) game.

5. Place your homework papers (here, hear).

6. Megan (ways, weighs) the same as her twin sister, Christy.

7. The (dear, deer) ran quickly through the woods.

8. The recipe called for one cup of (flower, flour).

9. Let’s ask the (principal, principle) if we can go on a field trip.

10. The (heard, herd) of buffalo scattered over the land.

11. The movie was (to, too, two) scary for me.

12. Did you (hear, here) you want the football game last night?

13. Can you come (to, two, too) the movies (to, too, two)?

14. The (sail, sale) began to blow in the wind.

15. (They’re, Their) going to the mall after work.

16. Mom needed to get her (breaks, brakes) fixed on her car.

17. The large black (bear, bare) was ferocious.

18. I would like to (know, no) if we can go to the movies tomorrow.

19. Megan and Christy like to do (role, roll) play.

20. Megan likes to write mysteries, (to, too, two).


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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