Essay - What Does Thanksgiving Mean To Me?

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Grade Level
Middle School
Length of Time
1 hour

In this lesson, students will write a Thanksgiving Day Essay. They will answer the question: "What Does Thanksgiving Mean To Me?"


Students will learn:
To express their feelings in an essay

Materials Needed

Pencils and Erasers or Pens and Whiteouts
Notebook Paper


First, you will explain to the students that they are to write an essay titled “What Does Thanksgiving Mean To Me?”

In their essay, they need to include some things they are thankful for in their lives.

Then, you will have them write their essay.

After that, you will have them go back over their essay. They will edit and then revise it.

Finally, they will submit a final copy for grading.


You can grade them on sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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