Learning About Vowels - Part One
This lesson is on teaching the students vowels. They will have a worksheet where they will circle vowels.
First, you will explain to the students about vowels: a e i o u.
You can write examples on the board and have them circle the vowels.
For example, Circle all of the vowels in the following words:
Cat, Boy, Girl, Class, When, Where, Who, Above, Over, and Under.
Then, you can give them the worksheet.
Worksheet - Finding Vowels in Words
Part One - Directions - Circle all of the a’s in the words below.
1. Apple
2. Candy
3. Cake
4. Cream
5. Monday
Part Two - Directions - Circle all of the i’s in the words below.
1. Friday
2. Triangle
3. April
4. Pencils
5. Circle
Part Three - Directions - Circle all of the e’s in the words below.
1. Teacher
2. June
3. December
4. Where
5. September
Part Four - Directions - Circle all of the u’s in the words below.
1. July
2. August
3. February
4. Tuesday
5. Thursday
Part Five - Directions - Circle all of the o’s in the words below.
1. November
2. School
3. October
4. Crayons
5. Lessons
You can grade the students on the number correct out of the number possible.
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