Basic Math Review Test
This lesson contains a math test that you can give to students. This test consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems.
First, you will copy the worksheets so that each student can have a copy.
Then, you will go over a few examples to make sure they knew what to do.
After that, you can pass out the worksheet for the students to do independently.
Worksheet - Basic Math Test
Directions: Write the answers to the following problems.
Part One = Addition
1. 15 + 23 =
2. 25 + 39 =
3. 75 + 18 =
4. 32 + 55 =
5. 98 + 44 =
6. 56 + 76 =
7. 88 + 43 =
8. 23 + 89 =
9. 79 + 49 =
10. 32 + 72 =
Part Two = Subtraction
1. 99 - 23 =
2. 78 - 25 =
3. 44 - 21 =
4. 68 - 29 =
5. 85 - 34 =
6. 55 - 19 =
7. 69 - 24 =
8. 16 - 13 =
9. 95 - 27 =
10. 36 - 29 =
Part Three - Multiplication
1. 5 x 9 =
2. 2 x 9 =
3. 4 x 8 =
4. 6 x 8 =
5. 9 x 7 =
6. 8 x 7 =
7. 5 x 8 =
8. 6 x 7 =
9. 4 x 7 =
10. 5 x 5 =
Part Four - Division
1. 16 divided by 4 =
2. 44 divided by 2 =
3. 45 divided by 9 =
4. 68 divided by 6 =
5. 72 divided by 6 =
6. 56 divided by 8 =
7. 49 divided by 7 =
8. 36 divided by 6 =
9. 39 divided by 3 =
10. 88 divided by 4 =
Part Five - Mixture of Problems
1. 38 + 49 =
2. 75 - 48 =
3. 9 x 9 =
4. 77 divided by 7 =
5. 98 - 98 =
6. 14 + 39 =
7. 81 divided by 9 =
8. 55 - 44 =
9. 7 x 3 =
10. 35 + 28 =
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
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