Music History - Part One
In this lesson, students will choose a composer in the Baroque Period and write an essay about that composer.
First, students need to learn about the Baroque Period.
Then, they will choose a composer they would like to study.
After that, they will gather information and write an essay on the composer they chose.
Here is a list of some of the composers in the Baroque Period that students could select for their essay. There are others if they wanted to select a different composer.
Johann Sebastian Bach, Alessandro Scarlatti, Antonio Vivaldi, Henry Purcell, Jean-Philippee Rameau, and Francois Couperin.
After they have chosen their composer, they need to gather their information and take notes during their research so they can have the important facts ready when they write their essay.
Finally, they can write their essay.
The research and writing the essay will take longer than one hour. You can split the lesson into two class periods.
You can also have the students do their research at home and write the paper in class.
You can grade the students on their essay and the important facts about the composer they chose.
You can also grade them on the organization of their essay, sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar, punctuation,
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