Giving an Oral Book Report
In this lesson, students are to give a book report on their favorite book. They will also submit a written book report.
This lesson will take more than one class period. It depends on how many students you have
First, students will choose their favorite book that would like to use as a book report.
Then, they will write down names of characters, setting, plot, and other important information about the book that will help them give their oral book report.
Their book report should consist of the name of the book, who wrote the book, the setting, the main character, supporting characters, the theme, and the plot. They should give a brief summary of the book and then tell why they liked the book.
They will present their book report to the class using their note cards occasionally. They should maintain eye contact as much as possible.
After they have finished giving their oral report, they need to hand in their written book report.
You can grade the students on how well they presented their book report to the class.
You can also grade the students on their written book report.
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