Find the Misspelled Words

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes

Students will have twenty groups of words. They are to choose the misspelled word in each group.

This lesson is for third through fifth grade students.


Students will learn:
To identify words
To locate word that is misspelled

Materials Needed

The worksheet I have included in this lesson
Pencils and erasers


Worksheet - Which Word Is Misspelled?

Directions: Circle the misspelled word in each group.

1. Girl Gril Glir Girll

2. Hamsert Hamtser Hamster Hamstre

3. Mondey Mondye Monday Mondee

4. Jnaruary Janruary January Januay

5. Pencils Pensils Pensicl Pensilc

6. Threr Therr Three Therre

7. Beleve Beilve Believe Beleive

8. Kote Coat Cote Koat

9. Ocktbr October Octoebr Oktober

10. Wenesdy Wenesday Wednesday Wensday

11. Thrid Therd Third Thirde

12. Fourty Fortey Forty Fourtey

13. Tusday Tuesday Tuseday Tusday

14. Thrusday Thursdey Thursday Thurday

15. Firday Fridey Friday Firdey

16. Satrudey Saturday Satruday Saturdey

17. Sanday Sundey Sunday Sundae

18. Desember Decembar December Decembr

19. Septmbre September Septembre Semtember

20. Febuary Feburay February Feburary


Each question is worth five points for a total of 100 points.

100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

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