Combining Coins
In this lesson, students will group the amounts of coins into the smallest number of coins.
This lesson is for 3rd through 5th grade students.
First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy.
Then, you will explain to the students what they are to do.
You can illustrate on the board the following example:
5 pennies, 5 nickles 4 dimes, 3 quarters
5 pennies = 5 cents - Since 5 pennies = 5 cents, you can use a nickle.
5 nickles = 25 cents - Since 5 nickles = 25 cents, you can use a quarter.
4 dimes = 40 cents - Since 4 dimes = 40 cents, you can use 1 quarter, 1 dime, and 1 nickle.
3 quarters = 75 cents - Since 3 quarters = 75 cents, you can use 3 quarters.
Here are the total coins used: 1 nickle, 1 quarter, 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickle, and 3 quarters. Total = $1.45
Worksheet - Combining Coins
Directions - You will combine the following coins in each group so that you are using the least amount of coins.
For example, 2 nickles = 1 dime, 5 pennies = 1 nickle, or 5 nickles = 1 quarter.
Then, you will write the total in each group.
1. 2 nickles, 3 dimes, 2 quarters =
2. 5 nickles, 4 dimes, 1 quarter =
3. 10 pennies, 3 nickles, 2 dimes, 1 quarter =
4. 6 nickles, 5 dimes, 3 quarters =
5. 8 pennies, 3 nickles, 2 dimes, 2 quarters =
6. 4 nickles, 5 dimes, 1 quarter =
7. 10 pennies, 5 nickles, 3 dimes =
8. 7 pennies, 2 nickles, 5 dimes =
9. 3 dimes, 2 quarters, 1 nickle =
10. 5 pennies, 3 dimes, 2 quarters =
11. 10 dimes, 2 quarters =
12. 7 dimes, 2 quarters, 1 nickle =
13. 2 pennies, 2 nickles, 2 dimes, 2 quarters =
14. 10 pennies, 3 nickles, 3 dimes, 3 quarters =
15. 25 pennies, 2 nickles, 4 dimes, 1 quarter =
16. 15 pennies, 10 nickles, 5 dimes, 1 quarter =
17. 4 pennies, 4 nickles, 4 dimes, 4 quarters =
18. 3 pennies, 3 nickles, 3 dimes, 3 quarters =
19. 5 quarters =
20. 5 dimes, 5 nickles, 5 quarters =
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
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