Writing a Biography - Helen Keller
Students will write a biography of Helen Keller. This lesson will take more than one class period. You can have them do the research during a class period, and then have them write their paper at home or during class the following day.
First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy.
Then, you will talk to the students about biographies.
After that, you will have the students do research on Helen Keller.
Finally, you will have them write their own biography of Helen Keller and submit their biographies for grading.
Worksheet - Questions for Biography of Helen Keller
Directions - Answer the following questions in your biography.
1. When was Helen Keller born?
2. Where was she born?
3. What happened to her when she was young?
4. Did she overcome her difficulties?
5. Who were her important friends who helped her with her blindness and deafness?
6. What accomplishments did she have in her life?
7. What did you learn from reading about her life?
8. Is there anything in her life that you could apply to the trials you experience?
You can grade them on their research, sentence structure, paragraph structure, punctuation, grammar, and organization of their paper.
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