Writing Complete Sentences
In this lesson, students will write complete sentences.
This lesson is for third to fifth grade students.
First, you will copy the worksheet.
Then, you will explain to the students about writing complete sentences. You can do this by writing examples on the board.
Example: Sharon and I like to go to movies.
They need to use correct grammar and punctuation.
After that, you will pass out the worksheet for them to do independently.
Worksheet - Writing Complete Sentences
Directions: Complete the following sentences.
1. Tom picked
2. Christy liked
3. Sadey
4. The team
5. Jenny
6. Megan
7. The Bluejays
8. The hurricane
9. We liked
10. Bob
11. The movie
12. Let’s
13. Jenny
14. The storm
15. My car
16. Susie
17. The kitten
18. The teacher
19. Christy loves
20. Connie wants
Each sentence is worth five points for a total of 100 points.
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
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