Punctuation Marks

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes to 1 hour

This lesson is about punctuation marks. Students will have a worksheet with the different punctuation marks. They are to write a definition and a sentence for each one.

This lesson is for third through fifth grade students.


Students will learn:
About punctuation marks
To write sentences using correct punctuation marks *

Materials Needed

Worksheet I have included in this lesson
English Book
Pencils and erasers


First, you will copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy.

Then, you will tell them they are to look up each punctuation mark and write out a definition and a sentence for each one.

This will help students learn how to write sentences and punctuate them correctly. Worksheet - Punctuation Marks

Directions - Look up each punctuation mark and write out a definition. Then, write a sentence for each punctuation mark.

1. Periods -

2. Commas - 3. Question Marks - 4. Quotation Marks - 5. Single Quotation Marks - 6. Semi-Colons - 7. Colons - 8. Dashes - 9. Apostrophes - 10. Parentheses - 11. Hyphens - 12. Exclamation Points - 13. Underlining - 14. Ellipses -


You can grade the students on the accuracy of their definitions and the sentences they wrote.

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