Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points

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Grade Level
Middle School
Length of Time
45 minutes

This lesson includes punctuation marks such as periods, question marks, and exclamation points. I have a study sheet and worksheet for you to use with the students.


Students will learn:
How to use periods
How to use question marks
How to use exclamation points.
How to add these punctuation marks in sentences.

Materials Needed


You use periods in the following ways: at the end of a declarative sentence, at the end of an imperative sentence, in initials, and after abbreviations.

Declarative Sentences

A declarative sentence is a telling statement.

Let's look at some examples.

1. I enjoy watching mysteries on television.

2. I like reading suspense books because they are intriguing.

3. Tom and Cindy went to a movie Saturday night.

4. School is starting, and I’m not quite ready.

5. Christy and Megan enjoyed their first day in middle school.

These are all telling readers about something. Now, let's look at imperative sentences.

Imperative Sentences

An imperative sentence makes a request, gives an instruction, or states a mild order. Let's look at some examples.

1. Always shut off the computer before you go to bed.

2. Never cross the street without looking both ways.

3. Let’s look at some examples of pronouns.

4. Please come here so we can check your lesson


5. Please raise your hand before you speak in class.

Now let’s look at the other ways you can use periods.

Initials and Abbreviations

You use periods after most initials.

1. Mandy K. Jones

2. Robert A. Wilder

3. J. K. Blake

4. Linda S. James

5. Susan E. Johnson

You also use periods after most abbreviations.

Let’s look at the following examples:

1. P. O. Box 5832

2. 223 West Dr.

3. 1833 W. 28th Terr.

4. St. Joseph

You do not use periods after state abbreviations such as KS, MO, MD, and other states.

Question Marks

You use question marks at the end of a question. If the question is asking something, then you use a

question mark.

Example: "Megan, can you come here?" Christy asked.

Christy is asking Megan a question. Questions need a response.

Exclamation Points

You use exclamation points in excitement.

Wow! That is super! I can’t believe it!

You are stressing the excitement. Worksheet on punctuation

Directions: Place the correct punctuation in the following sentences. There will be some punctuation marks in the sentences as well as at the end.

1. Wow I found what I was looking for today

2. Can you believe that I finished my project today

3. Where are you going with that suitcase

4. Tom and Mary went to the movies and then came home

5. The children were frightened where it started to


6. Oh no It happened again What am I going to do now

7. How can it be done that way

8. Why did you do that

9. I enjoy watching NBA basketball games

10. Do you know when we are going to have our English test Christy asked her teacher

11. Please give me the study sheet so I can review it

12. If you give me the exam, I'll be able to finish it soon

13. Always turn off the computer before you leave the house

14. My name is J K Jenkins

15. My address is P O Box 2424 I live in Kansas City MO near the main street


First, you will explain the different punctuation marks: periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

I have included some examples for you to write on the board to explain these punctuation marks.

Then, you will give the students the worksheet to do independently.


100 to 90 = A

89 to 80 = B

79 to 70 = C

69 to 60 = D

Below 60 = F

You can grade them by recording the total number correct over the total possible points.

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