The Hidden Treasure

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
45 minutes

Students will read the short story, The Hidden Treasure and answer the questions about the story. They should answer the questions without looking at the story so they can develop reading comprehension.

This lesson would be good for 3rd to 4th grade students.


To read and understand a short story
To answer questions about the story
To develop reading comprehension

Materials Needed

You will need to copy the following story and the list of questions for each student.

Each student will need a pencil with an eraser.The Hidden Treasure

Eight-year-old Susie, her twin brother, Timmy, and their parents were on their way to their new house in the country. The Realtor told Susie, Timmy, and their parents about a hidden treasure in their new house. Susie and Timmy liked to play Amateur Detectives and solve mysteries.

This was their first case, so they were both excited about trying to locate the hidden treasure.

As Susie pondered over the idea of what the secret might be, she finally asked, "How much farther, Mom?"

"We'll be there soon."

"When?" Timmy asked.

"Another five minutes."

"I can't wait! I'm eager to find that hidden treasure!" Timmy exclaimed.

After their father pulled into the driveway and stopped, Susie and Timmy jumped out of the car and rushed toward their new house.

"Timmy, Susie, wait a minute. I have to unlock the door," their mother said.

Their parents walked up on the porch, and as soon as their mother unlocked the door, Timmy and Susie rushed inside.

"Don't stray too far or go outside," their father cautioned.

"We won't," they replied, as they started searching their new environment.

"I like this sunken living room," Timmy said.

"Look at the huge back yard!" Susie exclaimed, as she stared out the sliding glass doors that led from the living room.

Timmy and Susie also saw the large kitchen and dining area. As they walked down the hall, they saw a bedroom and bathroom. After that, they walked upstairs to the second floor where they saw a large bedroom and a small bedroom. At the other end of the hall, they saw the smallest bedroom. Near the bathroom, was a linen closet. "I don't see anything that might have a hidden treasure. Let's go downstairs and look," Timmy suggested.

"Great idea," Susie replied.

They saw a large family room with light brown paneling on the wall. As they walked on, they saw a door and opened it. Timmy and Susie disappeared into a secret room, which was dark and musty. "It's dark in here. Where are we?" Timmy asked.

"I don't know." Susie replied.

"Let's see if we can find a way out," Timmy suggested.

"We can be Detectives and solve our first case," Susie replied.

"Hey! Maybe this is the secret," Timmy said, excitedly.

"A dark, musty room!" Susie exclaimed.

"No. I think something is hidden in here. Let's look."

They stood up and started searching the cave. As they walked down a dark hall, they felt along the wall. They entered another hall and continued feeling their way. "I hope we find an exit soon," Susie said.

"So do I," Timmy replied. "I'm getting hungry."

"Let's go this way. I see some light. There might be an outside exit to this cave."

As they walked toward the light, Susie tripped on something in the middle of the floor and fell against the wall of the cave. "Wow!" Susie shouted, as a door opened up.

"Susie, are you all right?" Timmy asked.

"I'm okay."

Timmy couldn't believe his eyes. "Susie! Look! You're sitting on a pile of money!"

"What!" Susie exclaimed as she stood up.

"This must be the secret," Timmy replied. "I knew there had to be more than just a cave."

"I guess you were right," Susie admitted.

As they sat there and laughed about their experience and finding the money, they became startled by the sound footsteps. "Timmy, Susie, are you in here?"

"Mom!" Susie hollered.

Their parents were surprised when they saw Timmy and Susie sitting on a pile of money. "What's this!" their mother exclaimed.

"Mom, it's money. This is the hidden treasure," Timmy replied.

"Wow! Playing Amateur Detectives sure paid off," their father commented.

"It did this time," their mother replied.

"Is this really our money?" Timmy asked.

"That's what the Realtor said," his father replied.

"Wow! I can't wait until we have another case to solve," Timmy said.

Susie and Timmy were excited about their first case and being able to locate the hidden treasure.

Worksheet for The Hidden Treasure

Directions - Answer the following questions without looking at the story.

1. Who were the characters?

2. What did Susie and Timmy try to find?

3. What happened to Timmy and Susie in the story?

4. What did they find?

5. What was the setting?

6. Why was Timmy excited?

7. What did they hear when they were inside the cave?

8. What was their father's comment when he found them? 9. Who found Susie and Timmy?

10. What did Susie and Timmy want to become? Answer Sheet for Timmy's Christmas Presents

1. Who were the characters?

Timmy, Susie, and their parents

2. What did Susie and Timmy try to find?

The hidden treasure

3. What happened to Timmy and Susie in the story?

They found a cave, and in the cave was the hidden treasure.

4. What did they find?

The hidden treasure, which was money.

5. What was the setting?

Their new house

6. Why was Timmy excited?

He saw Susie sitting on a pile of money.

7. What did they hear when they were inside the cave?


8. What was their father's comment when he found them?

Wow! Playing Amateur Detectives sure paid off!

9. Who found Susie and Timmy?

Their parents

10. What did Susie and Timmy want to become?

Amateur Detectives


First, you will copy the short story for each student. Then, you will copy the questions. After that, the students will read the short story and answer the questions to see what they can remember about the story.


You can grade the worksheet on how well they remembered the short story by grading the total number of correct answers.

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