Word Scramble - Occupations
This is a word scramble on occupations. Students will unscramble the letters and spell the words correctly.
First, you will copy the worksheet and pass them out to the students.
Have them spell the words correctly.
Worksheet on Occupations
Directions: Unscramble the following words and spell them correctly.
1. ifernem
2. opilecnem
3. endttsi
4. ocsnrtcuitno orrkwe
5. yrewal
6. swen peetrrro
7. nabk lleert
8. ocortd
9. esnur
10. cairehs
11. agrenam
12. rehcaet
13. oucneslro
14. rpiincalp
15. iblrraani
16. ecsrteray
17. leecriitcan
18. rpaehcre
19. erectpoiints
20. evetirnairna
Answer Sheet to Word Scramble
1. Firemen
2. Policemen
3. Dentist
4. Construction Worker
5. Lawyer
6. News Reporter
7. Bank Teller
8. Doctor
9. Nurse
10. Cashier
11. Manager
12. Teacher
13. Counselor
14. Principal
15. Librarian
16. Secretary
17. Electrician
18. Preacher
19. Receptionist
20. Veterinarian
Grade them on each word they spelled correctly.
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