Adding Shapes

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Grade Level
Elementary School
Length of Time
30 to 45 minutes

Students will have a worksheet on shapes to complete.

This lesson is for third to fourth grade students.


Learning how to add using shapes

Materials Needed

Pencils and Erasers


You need to copy the worksheet I have included in this lesson so that each student will have a copy. Explain to them about adding using shapes. Have them do the worksheet independently. Worksheet - Adding Shapes

Directions: You need to answer the math problem, and then substitute the shape in place of the number of sides.

1. 3 sides plus 4 sides =___sides

2. 4 equal sides plus 4 equal sides = _____ sides

3. 7 sides plus 3 sides = _____ sides

4. 3 sides plus 3 sides = _____sides

5. 4 sides plus 4 sides = _____sides

6. 5 sides plus 5 sides = _____sides

7. 3 sides plus 5 sides = _____sides

8. 6 sides plus 0 sides = _____sides

9. 8 sides plus 2 equal sides =_____sides

10. 5 sides plus 3 sides = _____sides Answer Sheet To Adding Shapes

1. 3 sides plus 4 sides = 7 sides

Triangle plus Quadrangle = Heptagon

2. 4 equal sides plus 4 equal sides = 8 sides

Square plus Square = Octagon

3. 7 sides plus 3 sides = 10 sides

Heptagon plus Triangle = Decagon

4. 3 sides plus 3 sides = 6 sides

Triangle plus Triangle = Hexagon

5. 4 sides plus 4 sides = 8 sides

Quadrangle plus Quadrangle = Octagon

6. 5 sides plus 5 sides = 10 sides

Pentagon plus Pentagon = Decagon

7. 3 sides plus 5 sides = 8 sides

Triangle plus pentagon = Octagon

8. 6 sides plus 0 sides = 6 sides

Hexagon plus Circle = Hexagon

9. 8 sides plus 2 equal sides =10 sides

Octagon plus Rectangle = Decagon

10. 5 sides plus 3 sides = 8 sides

Pentagon plus Triangle = Octagon


You can grade the students on the total number correct out of the total possible.

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