Making Predictions

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Grade Level
High School
Reading & Writing
Length of Time
1 hour or homework

The students will read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Before they read the whole book, they will read Part One and write a short paragraph of what they think might happen in the next part. Then, they will read the next part and see if their predictions were right. They will continue throughout the book writing predictions on the following parts.


To learn how to make predictions while they are reading
To write their predictions down so they can see how close they came to the right answers

Materials Needed

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Notebook paper
Pens and whiteouts


Students need a copy of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Before you begin having them read their book, you will need to explain the meaning of predictions. A prediction is reading a section of an essay, short story, or book and then stating in your own words what you think might happen in the next section.

After you have given them a few examples, you can have them read Part One. When they have read Part One, then you can have them write their prediction for Part Two before they read that section. Finally, they can write their prediction for Part Three and read that part. When they have written their predictions, they can share them in class and mention what they learned from reading the book and writing their predictions.

Additional Assignment: Since the students have read the book and have written their predictions, they can write a summary of the book. Their summary should include the characters and what happened in the book.


You can grade them on how well they wrote their predictions and their summaries. You can check for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure.

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