Understanding Seasons
This lesson is helping children learn about the different seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer. They will have activities to do for this lesson.
First, you will teach the four seasons: fall, winter, spring, and summer.
You can teach this by having a chart with four columns. Write one season in each column.
Then, you can have pictures of each season for students to put on the chart. You can use tape for the pictures.
You can also write words that relate to the different seasons.
Talk about the kinds of clothes you would wear, the activities you would do, and the kind of weather you experience in these different seasons.
You can also ask the students what their favorite season is and why they like that season.
Then, you can ask them what season it is when they start school and what season it is when they are out of school for that school year.
After you discuss the different seasons, then you can give the students a color sheet on each of the different seasons.
Then, you can read a book or two about the different seasons.
Finally, you can also give the students the following worksheet:
1. What season is it when the ground is white?
2. What season is it when you wear swimsuits?
3. When do you wear snow boots?
4. Can you wear swimsuits in the winter?
5. What is your favorite season?
6. When do the leaves fall off of the trees?
7. When do the leaves bloom again?
8. Can you wear snowsuits in the summer?
9. What season is it when you can plant crops? ____________________
10. What season do you wear lightweight jackets? ____________________
100 to 90 = A
89 to 80 = B
79 to 70 = C
69 to 60 = D
Below 60 = F
You can grade the students on their participation in class and on the worksheet that I have included in this lesson.
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