First Set of Essay Questions on The Hobbit

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Grade Level
High School
Reading & Writing
Length of Time
Classwork and Homework

The students will read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. As they read the book, they will take notes so they will be prepared to answer the essay questions in this lesson. They will read this book in three parts (six chapters at a time). This is the first part of three lessons.


Read and take notes
To answer essay questions

Materials Needed

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The worksheet I have included in this lesson
Pens and whiteout
Notebook paper to answer the questions


Students will need a copy of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and a copy of the worksheet. They can use the worksheet to take notes while they read the first six chapters of the book. After that, they can choose two of the essay questions and write their essays on notebook paper. When they have finished writing their essays, they will submit them to you for grading. Essay Questions on The Hobbit

Directions: Choose two of the questions and write an essay for each one.

1. Who was Bilbo Baggins? Describe his personality.

2. Describe a hobbit and the setting of a hobbit's home.

3. Who was the wizard? Why was he important in the story?

4. Read the first third of the book ( six chapters) and write a prediction of what you think will happen in the next six chapters.

5. What was Bilbo's attitude at the beginning of the book? Describe what happened that caused his attitude to be the way it was? Would you react the same way if you were in his place? Why or why not?


You can grade them on how well they answered the essay questions. Besides checking for accuracy on their answers, you can check for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure.

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