Descriptive Writing - The Hobbit
The students will read the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and take notes on the different characters such as hobbits, dwarfs, trolls, wizards, and goblins. They will write a descriptive paper on the different characters about their character traits and their habitats.
First, the students need to read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien and take notes on the following characters: hobbits, dwarfs, wizards, trolls, and goblins. Throughout the book, there are different places where the author describes these characters and their habitats. The students need to locate the passages that contain the characters' descriptions and write the page numbers so they can refer to those descriptions when they are ready to write their essays. After they have finished the book, they need to return to the pages on the descriptions of each character and their habitats and begin writing their essay. As they start writing their essay, they should use subheadings that separate each type of character, so readers can easily understand each of the characters. When they have completed their assignment, they can submit their essays to you so you can grade them.
You can grade the students on how well they wrote their papers and on their accuracy of their information about each of the characters and the characters' habitats. Besides grading them on the accuracy of their content, you can grade them on sentence structure, paragraph structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
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