Word Scramble - The Hound of the Baskervilles
In this lesson, the students will have a worksheet where they will have to unscramble the words. The words are in the book, The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After they have unscrambled the words.
First, you need to copy the worksheet so that each student will have a copy. Then, you can have the begin their worksheet in class. If they don't complete the assignment in class, they will need to take it home for homework and complete it. Then, they will submit the papers to you for grading.
Directions: Unscramble the letters to form the name of the person, places, or adjectives that were used in The Hound of the Baskervilles.
1. d n o h u =
2. s e r k a b i l v e l=
3. o m s h l e =
4. l a h l =
5. y e o d l =
6. o r m t m r e i =
7. i s r r y e n h a s k e b r i l v l e=
8. c b a d i e r v r =
9. k e s a b i r l v l e l l a h =
10. g e e n d l =
11. n b o r w o b o t =
12. e s m o h l =
13. l c a b k t o b o =
14. n o w t s a =
15. m a i b l e a =
16. n u m a i b i t o s u =
17. b a e s t n - i m d n d e =
18. h c r a e l s a b s k r e i l v l e =
19. r a h t r u o c n a n y l e o d =
20. a t w r e o o l t s t a o i n =
You can grade them on the correct spelling of the words.
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