The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Grade Level
High School
Reading & Writing
Length of Time

The students are to read The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien. They need to take notes of the plot as the read the book. After that, they will write a summary of the plot.


To read and take notes
To develop an understanding of the book
To write a summary of the plot

Materials Needed

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings: Part One)
Notebook paper


First, the students need to read the book, The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings: Part One). As they read the book, they will need to take notes of the plot so they can write a plot summary of the book. In the plot summary, they need to mention the names of the characters, the setting, and what happened in the book without giving away the ending. Students need to make the summary enticing to readers, so they will want to pick up the book and read it. They wouldn't want to read it if they knew what happened in the end before they read it. When they have finished their plot summary, they need to go over their papers to make sure they wrote them the way they wanted to write them, and they need to make sure they haven't made any grammatical errors or spelling errors. They also need to check their papers for sentence structure, paragraph structure, and unity throughout their essay. Once they have their papers written, they need to submit them to you for grading.


As you grade each paper, you need to check for grammatical errors, spelling errors, punctuation errors, and their sentence and paragraph structure.

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