Literary Analysis - And Then There Were None
In this lesson, the students will write a literary analysis of the book, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. You will need to explain to the students about writing a literary analysis before they begin their essays.
First, you need to explain to the students about the term, literary analysis and how to write a paper. A literary analysis paper includes the different elements of writing such as characters, setting, plot, similes, personification, metaphors, style, and others they locate in the book, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. Then, you need to have the students read the book and take notes while they read. Their notes need to contain specific examples of the literary elements that they can include in their essay. After they have finished reading the book and taking notes, they are ready to write their literary analysis. They need to have a main thesis statement and examples from the book that support their thesis. When they have completed their literary analysis paper, they can type it on the computer for their final draft. After that, they can submit their papers to you for grading.
You can grade them on their literary analysis and how well they wrote it. You can also grade them on spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and organization of the paper as a whole.
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