Writing a Resume

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Grade Level
High School
Length of Time
45 minutes for each class peri

This lesson is on writing a resume. Students will choose an occupation they might like to pursue when they graduate from high school or the subjects they need to take in college to purse their career. They need to write a resume that they believe will help them get their job.

This lesson will take more than one class period.


Study different types of resumes
Search for requirements of the job they would like to pursue
To search for a college and the courses they need to take.
To write a resume

Materials Needed

Paper for notes
Pencils and erasers or pens


First, you need to explain about resumes and what students should include in a resume. They need to include the specific skills they have that would help them obtain the job they would like to pursue.

After that, students need to do some research on the Internet about the occupation they would like to pursue. They need to find out the educational requirements and job requirements (what they would do in the job). They also need to think about their skills to see if they have the skills to do the job they might like. It's important to think about their future occupation and see if they would have the opportunity to obtain the job. Finally, they are ready to write their resume. They need to make sure their name and contact information is at the top. Then, they should include any skills they have that relate to the job they want to pursue. After that, they need to list any educational courses and experiences they have had that would relate to the occupation they plan to seek. When they have completed their list, they need to write a resume they think would help them get the job they would like.


You can grade the students on the research and how well they wrote their resumes for the job they want to seek.

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