Understanding Nouns - Part One
This is part one on Understanding Nouns. In this lesson, students will have a review on nouns. Students will have a worksheet, so they can grasp the different types of nouns.
First, you will teach a lesson on nouns. By the time students reach high school, they should understand about nouns, but some students may still have trouble, so this will be a review to some. The following is a study sheet on the different times of nouns.
Study Sheet
A noun names a person, place, or thing. There are common nouns, proper nouns, concrete nouns, abstract nouns, and compound nouns.
The following are are example of nouns: ball, bat, toy, boy, girl, Adam, Nancy, Kansas, building, and others.
Common Nouns
A common noun names a person, place, or thing. Since these nouns don’t name specific nouns, you don't capitalize them.
Here are some examples of common nouns: boy, girl, toy, ball, football, game, cat, dog, mouse, garage, house, and church.
Proper Nouns
A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing.
Here are some examples of proper nouns: Mrs. Parker, Christy, Topeka, Kansas, Nancy, Ron, and so on.
Concrete Nouns
A concrete noun is a noun that you can see, touch, taste, hear, or smell.
Here are some examples of concrete nouns: television, macaroni, smoke, rolls, and clouds.
Abstract Nouns
An abstract noun is a noun that is something you can’t see. It identifies a feeling, emotion, or quality.
Here are some examples of abstract nouns: beauty, anger, nature, love, and ability.
Collective Nouns
Nouns can also be collective. That means the noun would name a group of people, animals, or things.
Here are some examples of collective nouns: crowd, audience, group, family, and staff.
Compound Nouns
A compound noun consists of two or three words put together.
Here are some examples of compound nouns: shoelace, flashlight, basketball, and somewhere.
After you have gone over the study sheet, you can pass out the worksheet.
How to Identify Nouns
Nouns are easy to identify because of the words that precede them. Words such as a, an, or the always precede a noun. You use the word "a" before a noun that begins with a consonant.
For example, a ball, a hat, etc. You use the word "an" before a noun that begins with a vowel. For example, an apple, an egg, etc.
Worksheet On Nouns
Part One – Common and Proper Nouns
Directions: Write common noun or proper noun in the blanks.
1. The suspense show was scary. _______________
2. School will start next month. ______________________
3. I enjoy poetry writing. _____________________
4. The dogs bark when they see people walking. __________
5. The dogs bark when they hear other dogs. _________________
6. Megan likes cozy mysteries. __________________
7. Kerry watches television every day. ____________________
8. Christy finally published her book. ____________________
9. I lived in Topeka most of my life. ______________________
10. My dogs like to play together. ____________________
Part Two – Concrete, Abstract,
Collective, and Compound Nouns
Directions: Write concrete, abstract, collection, and compound above the nouns in the following sentences.
1. The boy dropped the slimy fish from his hand.
2. Christy sat under the maple tree and listened to the sounds of nature.
3. The rainbow brightened up the sky after the rain.
4. The football team won their final game.
5. The school board held an emergency meeting.
You can grade the students on the total number correct out of the total number possible.
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