Boston Trinity Academy
- Grades: 6-12
- Student Enrollment: 213
- Address
- 17 Hale Street
- Boston, MA 02136
- Phone
- (617) 364-3700
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Tim Wiens
- Fax: (617) 364-3800
- Website:
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School Description
Boston Trinity Academy is an independent middle and upper school located in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Boston. BTA is a non-denominational Christian school whose focus is teaching from a Christian worldview in an academically rigorous environment to a very diverse student body. Students come from every neighborhood of the City of Boston and many outlying suburbs north, west, and south of the city. BTA is accessible by MBTA and commuter rail. Every student who has graduated from BTA has been accepted into four year colleges. The school actively engages the students in community service both locally and globally through the Trinity Institute for Leadership and Social Justice. Travel opportunities to Europe, Africa and Asia are available for all upper school students.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 213
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 35.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 6.1

Number | Percent | |
American Indian | - | - |
Black | 64 | 30.0% |
Asian | 29 | 13.6% |
Hispanic | 21 | 9.9% |
White | 99 | 46.5% |

Number | Percent | |
6th Grade | 10 | 4.7% |
7th Grade | 24 | 11.3% |
8th Grade | 27 | 12.7% |
9th Grade | 33 | 15.5% |
10th Grade | 39 | 18.3% |
11th Grade | 46 | 21.6% |
12th Grade | 34 | 16.0% |
School Community Forum

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- School Calendar and Upcoming Events (e.g. Graduation)
- After School Programs, Extracurricular Activities, and Athletics (e.g. Football)
- News and Announcements (e.g. Yearbook and Class Supply List Details)
- Graduate and Alumni Events (e.g. Organizing Class Reunions)

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