Spiritus Sanctus Academy
- Grades: KG-8
- Student Enrollment: 190
- Address
- 10450 Joy Road
- Plymouth, MI 48170
- Phone
- (734) 414-8430
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Sr. Maria Guadalupe, O.p.
- Fax: (734) 414-8495
- Website: www.spiritussanctus.org
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School Description
Spiritus Sanctus Academy located in Plymouth, MI is a private Catholic school run by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. The school educates the children in the truths of the Catholic Faith. The teachers follow a traditional instructional approach with a curriculum that stresses basic academic skills of reading, writing, computation, and critical analysis. All students and faculty attend daily Mass. The school has rooms wired for internet access, and technology instruction, playground equiptment, a full size gym with a built in stage for student performances.
For the Primary Grades, the Courses of Study include progressively building a solid foundation of academic skills.
The middle school program strives to foster student confidence which is essential for success in high school, which includes a solid curriculum. The students are challenged with a competitive and intramural sports program including flag football, basketball, volleyball, soccer and floor hockey. Students have the opportunity to participate in band, and other performing arts opportunities. Advanced students are participating in Geometry instruction. 100% of Spiritus Sanctus graduates are accepted into the Catholic high school of their choice.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 190
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 15.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 12.7
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