The King's Academy Preschool
- Grades: Unknown
- Student Enrollment: 15
- Address
- 2575 Lone Pine Road
- Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
- Phone
- (561) 307-2406
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Mrs. Kim Saccal
- Website:
School Description
The King’s Academy Preschool is a private Christian preschool in Palm Beach County with locations in Greenacres, Palm Beach Gardens, and Royal Palm Beach, Florida. It currently enrolls two and three-year old students. It was established in 2008 as a ministry of The King’s Academy, a private Christian school in West Palm Beach, Florida. Mission Statement: The King’s Academy Preschool was established in Palm Beach County, Florida to serve the needs of families by providing a loving, nurturing, Christ-centered environment of discovery and learning for preschoolers. In The King’s Academy Preschool’s centers, children will be treated as precious creations of God, each with unique talents, interests, and needs. The King’s Academy Preschool supports parents as the primary educators of their children. The King’s Academy Preschool’s wish is to form a partnership with parents to provide a strong spiritual foundation as we endeavor to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). Philosophy: The King’s Academy Preschool is an extension of The King’s Academy (of West Palm Beach, Florida) school program and, therefore, adheres to the same beliefs, mission, and philosophy as the school. The King’s Academy Preschool’s objective is to serve entire school families by providing younger children with the same level of educational excellence afforded The King’s Academy’s existing student body.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 15
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 3.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 5.0

Number | Percent | |
Pre-Kindergarten | 15 | 100.0% |

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