Gilmour Academy
- Grades: PK-12
- Student Enrollment: 730
- Address
- 34001 Cedar Road
- Gates Mills, OH 44040
- Phone
- (440) 442-1104
- Other Details
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School Description
Gilmour Academy is an independent, Catholic, and coeducational college-preparatory school located in Gates Mills, Ohio, and sponsored by the Brothers of Holy Cross from Notre Dame, Indiana.
At Gilmour, we offer programs for boys and girls in kindergarten through grade 12 - a Montessori Preschool Program and traditional kindergarten through grade 6 in our Lower School, grades 7 and 8 in our Middle School, and grades 9-12 in our Upper School. A boarding school program, which attracts students from around the country and the world, is available for students in grades 7-12.
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 730
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 83.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 8.8
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