Peaceful Pathways Montessori Academy
- Grades: Unknown
- Student Enrollment: 85
- Address
- 8250 State Route 71
- Yorkville, IL 60560
- Phone
- (630) 553-4263
- Other Details
- Principal or Admin: Shawna Watkins
- Website:
School Description
Peaceful Pathways Montessori offers your child a world class education of the mind along with an education heart that will nurture his/her self-confidence, personal creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit.
At Peaceful Pathways Montessori, your child will learn how to think, observe, and reflect; not only memorize and quickly forget. Instead of giving your child the right answers, we will ask the right questions, and lead your child to discover answers for him or herself.
Learning will become its own reward, and each success will fuel the child’s desire to discover something new. Your child’s ultimate discovery will be his or her true potential as a human being. Understanding each of us is designed by God for an important purpose.
Granted, this lies beyond the scope of traditional education, but then Peaceful Pathways Montessori is different. For 100 years, families have come to Montessori schools around the world to give children an outstanding preparation for high school, college, and life.
If you are one of those special families who believe that an investment in education pays the best dividends, then Peaceful Pathways may be the school you have always dreamed of finding for your child. We provide a pathway for children to experience independence, respect, self-motivation and a love of learning that will last a lifetime and influence many.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 85
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 10.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 8.5

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