American Preparatory Academy
- Grades: KG-12
- Student Enrollment: 130
- Address
- 4850 S. Pine Island Drive
- Davie, FL 33328
- Phone
- (954) 434-8936
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School Description
APA Customizes the needs of individual students and plant the seeds for a better future. Helps students become better citizens and professionals, so they can reach happiness and success in their careers. Gives students the tools and the taste of success which builds their self-esteem, confidence, and the desire to strive for excellence. McKay and Step Up for Students Scholarships Accepted.
Our mission is to teach, assist, support, and encourage students with effective and interesting educational experiences in an English-Spanish environment. With a trained and motivated staff, up-to-date technological tools, and the support of parents and other community members, American Preparatory Academy will achieve its goal of helping our students develop essential knowledge and skills to succeed in the modern world.
School Ratings and Reviews
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Faculty Details and Student Enrollment
- Total Students Enrolled: 130
- Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 14.0
- Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 9.3

Number | Percent | |
American Indian | - | - |
Black | 22 | 16.9% |
Asian | - | - |
Hispanic | 51 | 39.2% |
White | 45 | 34.6% |

Number | Percent | |
Kindergarten | 2 | 1.5% |
1st Grade | 5 | 3.8% |
2nd Grade | 2 | 1.5% |
3rd Grade | 3 | 2.3% |
4th Grade | 5 | 3.8% |
5th Grade | 7 | 5.4% |
6th Grade | 12 | 9.2% |
7th Grade | 10 | 7.7% |
8th Grade | 18 | 13.8% |
9th Grade | 14 | 10.8% |
10th Grade | 19 | 14.6% |
11th Grade | 10 | 7.7% |
12th Grade | 10 | 7.7% |
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